Frequently Asked Questions
What are the educational standards at TCFS?
Our curriculum meets South Carolina educational standards. In addition to the core curriculum, we also use special curricula for outdoor and environmental education, all approved by the State and provided by programs such as Clemson Extension and Take Action SC.
Will my child have homework?
No! Learning at TCFS is fun but can be exhausting! We feel time after school should be spent relaxing, playing, and spending time with family and friends.
What assessment and evaluation tools are used at TCFS?
We will utilize assessment and evaluation tools provided by Cognia (-Cognia Home- Cognia). We also welcome and appreciate input from parents and students. Our goal is to continuously assess how we’re doing in all aspects of the program and make changes to ensure we are living up to our mission statement while providing the best services and supports to our students and families.
How often will my child and family receive therapy services?
We recognize the potential need for increased support during the initial month and transition to TCFS, for the student and family. Therefore, during the first month, our clinical team will provide intensive services. This will include a maximum of two individual sessions, one family session and group sessions each week. After the initial month and assessment of needs, a plan will be developed by the TCFS team, student and parent/guardian.
Are team members given background checks?
Absolutely! Not only do team members have to pass a national background, but our volunteers must also.